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Ontology of API4KP Operations

Table of Content

  1. Classes
  2. Object Properties
  3. General Axioms
  4. Namespace Declarations


a task that generates new knowledge endeavors, according to methods that only leverage the syntactic and semantic aspects of a knowledge resource, but not its pragmatic ones.c back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
open knowledge processing taskc
has sub-classes
horizontal knowledge processing taskc, knowledge structuring taskc, syntactic knowledge processing taskc

abdrigment taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


A paraphrase that eliminates element of an expression that are not essential to reconstruct its meaning
has super-classes
paraphrase taskc

Associates identifiers (and or names) to the entity they denote, its location, or information about itc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
closed knowledge processing taskc
knowledge management taskc
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some identifier)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some identifier)
based onop some mapping
has sub-classes
identity lookup taskc, identity negotiation taskc

atomic knowledge processing activityc back to ToC or Class ToC


a knowledge processing activity that is not meant be further decomposed into simpler parts that are knowledge processing activities themselves
is equivalent to
knowledge activity and (not (has part some knowledge activity))
has super-classes
knowledge activity
is disjoint with
complex knowledge processing activityc

atomic knowledge processing taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


each 'atomic knowledge processing task' is the concept that abstracts a specific class of atomic knowledge processing activities
task that is executed in an atomic activity, i.e. an activity that is not further explicitly decomposed
has super-classes
information processing task
archetypes some atomic knowledge processing activityc
archetypes only atomic knowledge processing activityc
has sub-classes
I/O read taskc, I/O write taskc, conceptualization taskc, consistency check taskc, decoding taskc, encoding taskc, entailment check testc, expression taskc, identity lookup taskc, inference taskc, internal repository taskc, query answering taskc, satisfiability check taskc, serialization taskc, snapshot taskc, syntactic analysis taskc, syntactic parsing taskc
is in domain of
oop, thenop
is in range of
oop, thenop

censoring taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


The expression of the resulting WoK will not contain any linguistic element that evokes the redacted concepts.
Simplification aimed at removing one or more concepts and their associations from the WoK.
has super-classes
simplification taskc

cherrypicking taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


The act of selecting a subset of the concepts in the original WoK, to derive a new WoK to be expressed
has super-classes
selection taskc

clear location taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


ensures that no artifact is stored at a given location
has super-classes
internal repository taskc

closed knowledge processing taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


'Closed' tasks start with the extraction of knowledge from a knowledge artifact (given or resolved), and are possibly terminated with the creation of a (new version of) a knowledge artifact. As such, they cannot be chained directly, but their composition is mediated by the use of carriers
A closed knowledge processing task is a task than can be executed with persistent consequences, even if the (artificial) agent that performs it is destroyed. The 'core' of such a task is another knowledge processing task, or composition thereof
has super-classes
complex knowledge processing taskc
encapsulatesop some information processing task
has roleop some filled byop some knowledge artifact
has sub-classes
Associates identifiers (and or names) to the entity they denote, its location, or information about itc, internal repository taskc, knowledge processing service taskc
is in domain of

complex knowledge processing activityc back to ToC or Class ToC


A knowledge processing activity that is complex, and can be broken down into simpler parts, each one representing a stage of the activity
is equivalent to
knowledge activity and (has part some knowledge activity)
has super-classes
knowledge activity
has sub-classes
knowledge processing operationc, replace artifact at location taskc
is disjoint with
atomic knowledge processing activityc

complex knowledge processing taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


Knowledge processing task are further divided into 'open' and 'closed'.
each 'complex knowledge processing task' is the concept that abstracts a specific class of complex knowledge processing activities. The concept is defined by a plan which organizes the simpler tasks that are part of the complex task, and defines its roles, methods and goals.
is equivalent to
information processing task and (has sub-taskop some information processing task)
has super-classes
information processing task
archetypes some complex knowledge processing activityc
defined by some knowledge processing plan
has sub-classes
closed knowledge processing taskc, create working knowledge base taskc, detect computational complexity taskc, detect language information taskc, detect logic taskc, detect signature taskc, extract description taskc, horizontal knowledge processing taskc, identity negotiation taskc, knowledge resource flattening taskc, parsing taskc, retrieve artifact taskc, retrieve resource taskc, well-formedness check taskc

conceptualization taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


The act of extracting the information content expressed by a knowledge expression, by means of analyzing the AST of that expression
has super-classes
atomic knowledge processing taskc
lifting taskc
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some abstract syntax tree)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some abstract semantic graph)

configuration parameterc back to ToC or Class ToC


A method has a configurable degree of freedom if it can be specialized by choosing a value from a region without changing the nature of the method: i.e. an activity executed according to a given method will still be executed according to that method no matter what value is chosen for the parameter, as long as the value belongs to the admissible region
has super-classes
optional inputc
configuresop some knowledge processing methodc
is in domain of

consistency check taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


Tests a knowledge base for internal contradictions
has super-classes
atomic knowledge processing taskc
logic-based reasoning taskc

create working knowledge base taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


Task that creates a working knowledge base from a composite knowledge resource that expresses a knowledge base
has super-classes
complex knowledge processing taskc
knowledge base building taskc
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some composite knowledge resource and (expresses some knowledge base))
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some working knowledge base)

decoding taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


the act of recreating a concrete expression from its encoded version
has super-classes
atomic knowledge processing taskc
lifting taskc
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some encoded knowledge expression)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some concrete expression)
based onop some encoding

detect computational complexity taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


detects the computational complexity (space and/or time) of a given knowledge expression. The detection is based on the aspects of logic underlying the language(s) used in the expression, that are actually used in the expression
has super-classes
complex knowledge processing taskc
knowledge analytic taskc
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some concrete expression)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some computational complexity class)
has sub-taskop some parsing taskc

detect language information taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


Analyzes an expression to identify the language and/or profile and concrete syntax used in the representation of that expression
has super-classes
complex knowledge processing taskc
knowledge analytic taskc
has roleop some outputc and (filled byop some knowledge serialization)
has roleop some outputc and (filled byop some profile)
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some concrete expression)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some language)
has sub-taskop some parsing taskc

detect logic taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


identifies the (simplest) logic that is expressive enough to formalize given knowledge expression.
has super-classes
complex knowledge processing taskc
knowledge analytic taskc
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some concrete expression)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some logic)
has sub-taskop some parsing taskc

detect signature taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


extracts the non-logical symbols (aka "terms" - concretizations of linguistic elements that express atomic concepts) used in an expression, identifying the lexicon they have been extracted from
has super-classes
complex knowledge processing taskc
knowledge analytic taskc
has roleop some outputc and (filled byop some lexicon)
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some concrete expression)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some knowledge element)

discover compatible resources taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


Returns a collection of resources that are compatible (composable) with a given resource
has super-classes
semantic knowledge management taskc
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some knowledge resource)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some knowledge resource)

encoding taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


Tasks of this type encode concrete expressions so that they can be engraved on a carrier
has super-classes
atomic knowledge processing taskc
lowering taskc
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some concrete expression)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some encoded knowledge expression)
based onop some encoding
Converting characters into sequences of bits, according to an encoding method, so that they can be written to a RAM, ROM or magnetic disk

entailment check testc back to ToC or Class ToC


tests whether the content of a given working knowledge base is entailed by a reference working knowledge base
has super-classes
atomic knowledge processing taskc
logic-based reasoning taskc

explanationc back to ToC or Class ToC


An expression, generated as part of the execution of a (knowledge processing) activity, of knowledge about that course of that activity and/or its inputs and outputs
has super-classes
secondary outputc
archetypes some knowledge expression and (representation of some knowledge activity)

expression taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


the act of creating an expression in a given language (sytnax and dictionary), from the information content of a work of knowledge
has super-classes
atomic knowledge processing taskc
lowering taskc
has roleop some inputc and (filled byop some abstract syntax)
has roleop some inputc and (filled byop some lexicon)
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some abstract semantic graph)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some abstract syntax tree)

extension taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


Injection of a resource into a second resource, which plays the role of 'extension', providing a wrapping context
has super-classes
injection taskc

extract description taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
complex knowledge processing taskc
retrieve resource description taskc
semantic knowledge management taskc
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some abstract expression)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some knowledge resource description)

extraction taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


A separation based on a tree-oriented deconstruction, where the Resources that are part of a subtree of the underlying Structure are returned.
has super-classes
separation taskc

fusion taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


Fusing two or more resources is equivalent to structuring them by construction, then flattening the structure so obtained
The act of creating a new resource by the combination of two or more resources, such that the identity of the individual resources is not preserved
has super-classes
knowledge resource weaving taskc
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop min 2 knowledge resource)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop exactly 1 knowledge resource)
has sub-classes
injection taskc, t o d o t o d o closure taskc, union taskc

horizontal knowledge processing taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


'Horizontal' tasks may use information at the ground level of abstraction, or at any level above. As such, for each task of this type there is a 'syntactic' version and a 'semantic' version. The latter uses information at the work of knowledge (abstract semantic graph) level, while the former uses only linguistic information (grammars/syntaxes)
task that consumes and produces endeavors at the same level of abstraction, without preserving some primary characteristic that is defined at level of abstraction (e.g. concrete syntax, lexicon, abstract syntax, etc.) While the input I and the product O are different entities, both will refer to the same entities at the higher levels of abstraction: i.e. lift(O) sameAs lift(I), where 'lift' is the execution of any lifting vertical task Regardless of the level, horizontal tasks of this class always preserve the WoK at the foundation of an endeavor
has super-classes
complex knowledge processing taskc
a task that generates new knowledge endeavors, according to methods that only leverage the syntactic and semantic aspects of a knowledge resource, but not its pragmatic ones.c
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some knowledge endeavour)
has roleop some productc and (filled byop some knowledge endeavour)
based onop some preserves some work of knowledge
has sub-classes
paraphrase taskc, replication taskc, transcription taskc, translation taskc

I/O read taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


A task that extracts an encoded knowledge expression from a carrier
has super-classes
atomic knowledge processing taskc
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some knowledge carrier)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some encoded knowledge expression)
opening a file and reading the stream of Unicode-encoded characters

I/O write taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


The task of imprinting an encoded expression on a carrier
has super-classes
atomic knowledge processing taskc
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some encoded knowledge expression)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some knowledge carrier)
writing a stream of ASCII characters to a (text) file

identity lookup taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


resolution based on a simple lookup
has super-classes
atomic knowledge processing taskc
Associates identifiers (and or names) to the entity they denote, its location, or information about itc

identity negotiation taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


complex resolution process that involves alternative options, and preferences about them
has super-classes
complex knowledge processing taskc
Associates identifiers (and or names) to the entity they denote, its location, or information about itc

inference taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


expresses the logical consequence(s) entailed by a given knowledge base
has super-classes
atomic knowledge processing taskc
logic-based reasoning taskc
has roleop some input/outputc and (filled byop some working knowledge base)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some knowledge resource)

injection taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


fusion in terms of an implicit tree-oriented structure.
has super-classes
fusion taskc
has sub-classes
extension taskc

inputc back to ToC or Class ToC


role played by an entity that is used in an activity, and exists before that activity is started
has super-classes
passive role
has sub-classes
input/outputc, optional inputc, primary inputc

input/outputc back to ToC or Class ToC


Role played by an entity that is both an input and an output
has super-classes

internal repository taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


Tasks that deal with the management of artifacts inside a repository's locations. Locations are logical entities, identified by a (location) identifier, regardless of the specific repository implementation
has super-classes
atomic knowledge processing taskc
closed knowledge processing taskc
knowledge repository taskc
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some identifier)
has sub-classes
clear location taskc, replace artifact at location taskc, retrieve artifact from location taskc, store artifact at location taskc

knowledge analytic taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


task whose objective is the determination of a quality of a knowledge resource (e.g. used language, complexity, etc..)
has super-classes
open knowledge processing taskc
has sub-classes
detect computational complexity taskc, detect language information taskc, detect logic taskc, detect signature taskc, t o d o t o d o diffing lexical and logicalc, well-formedness check taskc

knowledge base building taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


Task that is ultimately aimed at the creation of composite knowledge resources, snapshots of which are intended to be used as working knowledge bases in some reasoning activity
has super-classes
knowledge compositional taskc
has roleop some filled byop some working knowledge base
has sub-classes
create working knowledge base taskc

knowledge compositional taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


task that deals with the structure-mediated organization of knowledge resources in composites
has super-classes
knowledge structuring taskc
has roleop some filled byop some structured knowledge resource
has sub-classes
knowledge base building taskc, knowledge resource construction taskc, knowledge resource deconstruction taskc, knowledge resource rearrangement taskc, knowledge resource weaving taskc

knowledge management taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


A task that deals with the life cycle of a knowledge resource and/or the artifact(s) that carry it
has super-classes
information processing task
has roleop some filled byop some knowledge artifact
has sub-classes
Associates identifiers (and or names) to the entity they denote, its location, or information about itc, knowledge repository taskc, retrieve artifact taskc, retrieve resource taskc, semantic knowledge management taskc, series management taskc

knowledge processing operationc back to ToC or Class ToC


(knowledge processing) operations are complex activities that involve knowledge artifacts as inputs and/or outputs
has super-classes
complex knowledge processing activityc
(has product some knowledge artifact) or (makes use of some knowledge artifact)

knowledge processing service taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


Knowledge processing tasks 'as a service' involve some specific roles: - one primary output - some configuration parameters that influence, for example, the choice of the specific, encapsulated task, and/or the method(s) used to perform those task(s) - an explanation, in the form of a knowledge expression, that justifies how and why the actual primary output was returned
a knowledge processing task that can be exposed as a service by an agent: i.e. that agent can be requested to perform activities of this kind, any number of times, based on a request mediated by an (communication) interface and possibly under the guidance of a contract
has super-classes
closed knowledge processing taskc
has roleop some configuration parameterc
has roleop some primary inputc
has roleop some explanationc and (filled byop some knowledge expression)

knowledge reasoning taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


task that derives new information leveraging the pragmatic aspects of a working knowledge base
has super-classes
open knowledge processing taskc
has roleop some filled byop some working knowledge base
has sub-classes
logic-based reasoning taskc, semantic knowledge management taskc

knowledge repository taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
knowledge management taskc
has roleop some filled byop some has function some knowledge artifact repository
has sub-classes
internal repository taskc

knowledge reshaping taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


Task that uses some (complex) method to derive new works of knowledge using one or more knoweldge resources (and their WoKs) as inputs. The resulting WoK is expressed by means of an (abstract) expression - a knowledge resource, or a fragment thereof, in the same language as the source Both original and new WoKs capture (different aspects) of the same Piece of Knowledge
has super-classes
knowledge structuring taskc
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some abstract expression)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some abstract expression)
based onop some (preserves some language) and (preserves some piece of knowledge)
has sub-classes
knowledge resource weaving taskc, selection taskc, simplification taskc, transcreation taskc

knowledge resource aggregation taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


construction of a set-oriented structure
has super-classes
knowledge resource construction taskc

knowledge resource composition taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


construction of a tree-oriented structure
has super-classes
knowledge resource construction taskc
has sub-classes
t o d o t o d o dependency organization taskc

knowledge resource construction taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


Creates a structuring knowledge resource that has two or more knowledge resources as referenced components
has super-classes
knowledge compositional taskc
has roleop some inputc and (filled byop some knowledge resource)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some structuring knowledge resourcec)
has sub-classes
knowledge resource aggregation taskc, knowledge resource composition taskc

knowledge resource decomposition taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


deconstruction limited to tree-oriented structures
has super-classes
knowledge resource deconstruction taskc

knowledge resource deconstruction taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


superimposes a structure on a non-composite, but deconstructable knowledge resource
has super-classes
knowledge compositional taskc
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some deconstructable knowledge resource)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some structuring knowledge resourcec)
has sub-classes
knowledge resource decomposition taskc, knowledge resource disaggregation taskc

knowledge resource disaggregation taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


deconstruction limited to set-oriented structures
has super-classes
knowledge resource deconstruction taskc

knowledge resource disassembly taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


breaking apart a deconstructable knowledge resource, following a structure, to obtain the componenets
has super-classes
knowledge resource weaving taskc
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some deconstructable knowledge resource)
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some structuring knowledge resourcec)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop min 2 knowledge resource)

knowledge resource flattening taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


The flattening may require some manipulation of the component resources before they can be merged
The act of creating a single, flattened knowledge resource from a composite knowledge resource and its component structured resources, according to the plan specified by a structure.
has super-classes
complex knowledge processing taskc
t o d o t o d o knowledge resource assembly taskc
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some composite knowledge resource)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some flattened knowledge resource)
has roleop some filled byop some structuring knowledge resourcec

knowledge resource rearrangement taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


That is, the corresponding Composites have the same atomic components, but the underlying set-tree organization is different
A rearrangement changes the mutual relationships between the structured resources in a composite, but does not affect the resources themselves
has super-classes
knowledge compositional taskc
has roleop some inputc and (filled byop some structuring knowledge resourcec)
has roleop some outputc and (filled byop some structuring knowledge resourcec)

knowledge resource weaving taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


A kind of reshaping that is driven by a structure
has super-classes
knowledge compositional taskc
knowledge reshaping taskc
has sub-classes
fusion taskc, knowledge resource disassembly taskc, separation taskc, t o d o t o d o knowledge resource assembly taskc

knowledge structuring taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


task that, when executed, involves structured knowledge resources - either directly, or (potentially) in preparation for structuring
has super-classes
a task that generates new knowledge endeavors, according to methods that only leverage the syntactic and semantic aspects of a knowledge resource, but not its pragmatic ones.c
based onop some knowledge processing methodc and (not (preserves some work of knowledge))
has sub-classes
knowledge compositional taskc, knowledge reshaping taskc

lifting taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


when executed, a lifting task produces an endeavor at a higher level of abstraction that its input
has super-classes
vertical knowledge processing taskc
has sub-classes
conceptualization taskc, decoding taskc, parsing taskc, syntactic analysis taskc, syntactic parsing taskc

logic-based reasoning taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


Reasoning task based on the semantics and pragmatics of some underlying logic, based on symbolic methods, suitable to be peformed by 'reasoners'
has super-classes
knowledge reasoning taskc
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some working knowledge base)
based onop some uses concept some logic
has sub-classes
consistency check taskc, entailment check testc, inference taskc, proof generation taskc, query answering taskc, satisfiability check taskc, t o d o t o d o classification taskc, t o d o t o d o subsumption taskc

lowering taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


when executed, a lowering task produces an endeavor at a lower level of abstraction that its input
has super-classes
vertical knowledge processing taskc
has sub-classes
encoding taskc, expression taskc, serialization taskc

open knowledge processing taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


Tasks are roughly grouped by whether their methods are based on certain aspects of a knowledge resource, including: - syntactic : aspects tied to the language (syntax and lexical expressions) - semantic : computational semantics based on the underlying logic(s) and/or domain semantics based on the interpretation of the signature (the part of the lexicon used in an expression) - pragmatic: additional aspects, proper of the underlying logic, that drive the use of a resource, e.g. for 'reasoning'
An open knowledge processing task is a task whose execution and outcomes specifically depend on the agent that is performing it. As such, they can be chained without the need of communication or other forms of mediation, but require closure in order to have persistent effects
has super-classes
information processing task
has sub-classes
a task that generates new knowledge endeavors, according to methods that only leverage the syntactic and semantic aspects of a knowledge resource, but not its pragmatic ones.c, knowledge analytic taskc, knowledge reasoning taskc

optional inputc back to ToC or Class ToC


an input that, when not provided, does not preclude an activity from being executed successfully
has super-classes
has sub-classes
configuration parameterc

outputc back to ToC or Class ToC


Role played by an entity that is produced by a (knowledge processing) activity
has super-classes
passive role
has sub-classes
input/outputc, primary outputc, secondary outputc

paraphrase taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


The creation of an alternative expression (concrete or abstract) that carries the same meaning, but uses different fragments (sentences and/or linguistic elements). Meaning (work of knowledge), language and format are preserved, but not the internal structure of an expression.
has super-classes
horizontal knowledge processing taskc
has roleop some inputc and (filled byop some knowledge expression)
has roleop some productc and (filled byop some knowledge expression)
based onop some preserves some language
has sub-classes
abdrigment taskc, syntactic paraphrase taskc
Paraphrase is only admissible in languages that are redundant, i.e. allow alternative, different expressions of the same meaning

parsing taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


the act of creating an AST (of an abstract knowldge expression) from a concrete knowledge expression
has super-classes
complex knowledge processing taskc
lifting taskc
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some concrete expression)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some abstract syntax tree)
based onop some (preserves some abstract syntax) and (uses concept some knowledge serialization)

partition taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


A separation based on a set-oriented deconstruction
has super-classes
separation taskc

primary inputc back to ToC or Class ToC


an input that is necessary for the execution of a (knowledge processing activity). As a prerequisite, the activity cannot be completed successfully (i.e. it is not possible to achieve its goals) unless the primary input is provided
has super-classes

primary outputc back to ToC or Class ToC


An activity that is expected to produce a primary output is considered failed if the entity playing that role is not actually generated
output such that its production is the main goal of the activity that generates is.
has super-classes
has sub-classes

productc back to ToC or Class ToC


"product" is the role played by an entity that did not exist before an activity (of a given task type) was executed, with respect to that activity. The activity generates that entity, and thus is cause of its existence
has super-classes
primary outputc

proof generation taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


The act of generating a proof that justifies how an expression is a logical consequence of a knowledge base
has super-classes
logic-based reasoning taskc
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some knowledge expression)

query answering taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


given a query, expressed by means of a proper knowledge expression that contains some variables, returns an 'anser' in terms of bindings of those variables
has super-classes
atomic knowledge processing taskc
logic-based reasoning taskc
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some query)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some knowledge expression)

reduction taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


Simplification due to the inability of the target language (and/or its underlying logic) to express a number of concepts present in the original WoK
has super-classes
simplification taskc

removal taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


A separation based on a tree-oriented deconstruction, where the Resources that are part of a subtree of the underlying Structure are discarded.
has super-classes
separation taskc

replace artifact at location taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


replaces an artifact at location, preserving any previously stored artifact
has super-classes
complex knowledge processing activityc
internal repository taskc
has roleop some outputc and (filled byop some versioned identifier)
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some knowledge artifact)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some knowledge artifact)
has sub-taskop some store artifact at location taskc

replication taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


Task that creates a new, equal, copy of the input endeavor. As such, it creates a new istance of the same type as the input entity.
has super-classes
horizontal knowledge processing taskc
has roleop only productc and (filled byop some knowledge endeavour and (copy of some knowledge endeavour))

resolve dependencies taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


Retrieves the resources that a given resource depends on
has super-classes
semantic knowledge management taskc
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some knowledge resource)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some knowledge resource)
has sub-classes
resolve dependency closure taskc

resolve dependency closure taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


Recursive dependency resolution task
has super-classes
resolve dependencies taskc

retrieve artifact from location taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


returns (a copy of) an artifact stored at a given location
has super-classes
internal repository taskc

retrieve artifact taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


resolves the identifier of a knowledge artifact, and retrieves (a copy of) that artifact
has super-classes
complex knowledge processing taskc
knowledge management taskc
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some identifier)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some copy of some knowledge artifact)
has sub-classes
retrieve surrogate taskc

retrieve resource description taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


retrieves a resource that is the description of another resource
has super-classes
retrieve resource taskc
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop only copy of some concrete expression and (concretely expresses some knowledge resource description))
has sub-classes
extract description taskc

retrieve resource taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


retrieves a concrete knowledge resource, extracting it from the master copy stored at a location that resolves the identifier provided as input
has super-classes
complex knowledge processing taskc
knowledge management taskc
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some identifier)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some copy of some concrete expression)
has sub-classes
retrieve resource description taskc

retrieve surrogate taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


resolves the identifier of an asset (or an artifact) to the identifier of a surrogate that describes it, and retrieves a copy of that surrogate
has super-classes
retrieve artifact taskc
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop only copy of some knowledge asset surrogatec)

satisfiability check taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


checks whether a knowledge base is satisfiable or not
has super-classes
atomic knowledge processing taskc
logic-based reasoning taskc

secondary outputc back to ToC or Class ToC


an activity is not failed automatically if a secondary output is not produced.
output that is generated alongside the primary output, but is not one of the primary goals of the execution of that activity
has super-classes
has sub-classes

selection taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


Selection is additive (to the target WoK), whereas simplification is subtractive (to the source WoK)
The product Work of Knowledge is obtained by explicit selection of a sub-set of the concepts (and their associations) in the original WoK
has super-classes
knowledge reshaping taskc
has sub-classes
cherrypicking taskc, syntactic carving taskc

semantic knowledge management taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


A 'semantic' knowledge management task treats artifacts and resources as a black box, but makes use of their descriptions (and the surrogates that carry them)
has super-classes
knowledge management taskc
knowledge reasoning taskc
has roleop some filled byop some knowledge resource description
has sub-classes
discover compatible resources taskc, extract description taskc, resolve dependencies taskc

separation taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


Conceptually equivalent to a deconstruction followed by a disassembly
The act of breaking a (deconstructable) knowledge resource into its component, which are returned as individual resources
has super-classes
knowledge resource weaving taskc
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some deconstructable knowledge resource)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop min 2 knowledge resource)
has sub-classes
extraction taskc, partition taskc, removal taskc

serialization taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


The act of concretizing an abstract expression, serializing it using one of the concrete syntaxes supported by the langauge
has super-classes
atomic knowledge processing taskc
lowering taskc
has roleop some inputc and (filled byop some knowledge serialization)
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some abstract expression)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some concrete expression)
based onop some (preserves some abstract syntax) and (uses concept some knowledge serialization)

series management taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


Tasks dealing with the management 'series' of temporally and version related knowledge endeavors
has super-classes
knowledge management taskc
has roleop some filled byop some versioned identifier
has sub-classes
snapshot taskc

simplification taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


When this task is executed, parts of the concepts used by the WoK that conceptualizes the source expression are removed ('forgotten') before the resulting WoK is expressed in the target language As such, the conceptualization of the proudct is a sub-graph of the conceptualization of the source
has super-classes
knowledge reshaping taskc
has sub-classes
censoring taskc, reduction taskc, summarization taskc, syntactic redaction taskc

snapshot taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


Unlike replication tasks, 'Snapshot tasks' are atomic. In fact, a snapshot does not imply replication or any other activity, other than the guarantee that the ouput endevaor is immutable, and properly versioned
task that, when executed, makes an exact, immutable copy of a knowledge endeavor (expression or artifact), and assigns the result a versioned identifier
has super-classes
atomic knowledge processing taskc
series management taskc
has roleop some outputc and (filled byop some versioned identifier)
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some knowledge endeavour)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some immutable entity and knowledge endeavour)

store artifact at location taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


ensures that an artifact is available at a given location
has super-classes
internal repository taskc
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some knowledge artifact)

summarization taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


Simplification to reduce the number of concepts, and the complexity of their associations, in order to facilitate delivery to an audience
has super-classes
simplification taskc

syntactic analysis taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


the act of deriving an AST from a parse tree
has super-classes
atomic knowledge processing taskc
lifting taskc
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some parse tree)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some abstract syntax tree)
based onop some preserves some abstract syntax

syntactic carving taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


Selection based on the extraction of one or more fragments of the source expression, properly decomposed. The selection is based on the categorization of the syntactic elements of the resource's AST
has super-classes
selection taskc
syntactic knowledge processing taskc

syntactic knowledge processing taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


a task that is based on methods that only leverage the syntactic aspects of a knowledge resource, but not its semantic and pragmatic ones
has super-classes
a task that generates new knowledge endeavors, according to methods that only leverage the syntactic and semantic aspects of a knowledge resource, but not its pragmatic ones.c
based onop some (preserves some work of knowledge) and (uses concept some language)
based onop some preserves some work of knowledge
based onop only preserves some work of knowledge
has sub-classes
syntactic carving taskc, syntactic paraphrase taskc, syntactic redaction taskc, syntactic transcription taskc, syntactic translation taskc, vertical knowledge processing taskc

syntactic paraphrase taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


paraphrase task that is based merely on syntactic manipulation
has super-classes
paraphrase taskc
syntactic knowledge processing taskc
has sub-taskop some knowledge resource deconstruction taskc
has sub-taskop some knowledge resource flattening taskc
has sub-taskop some knowledge resource rearrangement taskc

syntactic parsing taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


the act of creating a parse tree from a concrete knowledge expression. scanning and tokenization are considered sub-atomic parts of this task
has super-classes
atomic knowledge processing taskc
lifting taskc
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some concrete expression)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some parse tree)
based onop some preserves some serialization

syntactic redaction taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


The syntactic counterpart of censoring: derives the product expression by removing all the fragments (sentences) in the source expression that contain any linguistic element that evoke any one of the concepts to be filtered out
has super-classes
simplification taskc
syntactic knowledge processing taskc

syntactic transcription taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


transcription purely based on syntactic criteria
has super-classes
syntactic knowledge processing taskc
transcription taskc
based onop only language mapping and (uses concept exactly 1 language) and (uses concept exactly 2 knowledge serialization)

syntactic translation taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


A translation task based merely on syntactic methods
has super-classes
syntactic knowledge processing taskc
translation taskc
based onop only language mapping and (uses concept exactly 2 language)

t o d o t o d o classification taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
logic-based reasoning taskc

t o d o t o d o closure taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
fusion taskc

t o d o t o d o dependency organization taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
knowledge resource composition taskc

t o d o t o d o diffing lexical and logicalc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
knowledge analytic taskc

t o d o t o d o knowledge resource assembly taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
knowledge resource weaving taskc
has sub-classes
knowledge resource flattening taskc
The generation of a single, self-contained, complex Knowledge Resource that expresses the same work as a Composite Knowledge Resource. The implicit version of this operation is more specifically called ‘merging’, while the explicit one is called ‘flattening’

t o d o t o d o subsumption taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
logic-based reasoning taskc

transcreation taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


Note: even if the operation results in a new expression of a new work, this transformation is embedded in the specification of the mapping, which can be executed mechanically by an Agent that is not expected to be aware of the implications of applying that mapping.
complex transformation that alters the semantics and pragmatics of a work of knowledge
has super-classes
knowledge reshaping taskc
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some knowledge resource)
has roleop some primary outputc and (filled byop some knowledge resource)

transcription taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


The act of creating a different serialization of a concrete expression in a given language. The target serialization must be supported by the language
has super-classes
horizontal knowledge processing taskc
based onop some (uses concept exactly 1 language) and (uses concept exactly 2 knowledge serialization)
has sub-classes
syntactic transcription taskc

translation taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


Translations may be preceded by paraphrases, to ensure that the source expression uses only aspects that are mappable to the target language, when the mapping is not complete
The act of creating a different expression of a work of knowledge in a given language. Translations are exact, requiring not only to use a method that actually preserves the meaning, but also that the target language is expressive enough.
has super-classes
horizontal knowledge processing taskc
based onop some language mapping and (uses concept exactly 2 language)
has sub-classes
syntactic translation taskc

union taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


Fusion in terms of a set-oriented implicit structure
has super-classes
fusion taskc

vertical knowledge processing taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


task that, despite the syntactic nature of the operation, preserve both representation (encoding, format or concrete syntax, language (grammar and lexicon), and content (work of knowledge and used concepts)
task that produces endevavors at higher or lower level of abstraction along the "artifact - encoding - concrete - abstract - work" chain
has super-classes
syntactic knowledge processing taskc
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some knowledge endeavour)
has roleop some productc and (filled byop some knowledge endeavour)
has sub-classes
lifting taskc, lowering taskc

well-formedness check taskc back to ToC or Class ToC


the act of checking whether a knowledge expression is a valid sentence according to the syntax - abstract and/or concrete - of some language, or profile thereof.
has super-classes
complex knowledge processing taskc
knowledge analytic taskc
has roleop some inputc and (filled byop some language)
has roleop some primary inputc and (filled byop some concrete expression)
has sub-taskop some parsing taskc
based onop some uses concept some language and (defined by some syntax)

Object Properties

based onop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has super-properties
structured with

commences withop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


A task T commences with a given subtask S if T is defined by a plan P that is initiated by S
has super-properties
associated to
has domain
information processing task
has range
information processing task
has sub-property chains
defined by o initiated byop

configuresop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


A parameter configures a method by fixing one of the degrees of freedom that the method allows
has domain
configuration parameterc
has range
knowledge processing methodc

encapsulatesop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


A closed task encapsulates another task, giving it closure
has super-properties
has primary sub-taskop
has domain
closed knowledge processing taskc
has range
information processing task

filled byop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has super-properties
has domain
passive role

has primary sub-taskop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


a task T has a primary sub-task P, if not achieving the goals of the plan that defines P necessarily implies not achieving the goals of the plan that defines T
has super-properties
has sub-taskop
has sub-properties
has domain
information processing task
has range
information processing task

has roleop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


the relationship between a task T and a role R, such that when an activity A is performed and A is archetyped by T, there exists at least one agent or a resource that participats in A and is archetyped by R
has super-properties
has part
has domain
information processing task
has range
agentive role or passive role

has sub-taskop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


the relationship between a task T and a task S, such that an activity of kind T will have an activity of type S as a sub-activity, i.e. as a (temporal) proper process part
has super-properties
has part
has sub-properties
has primary sub-taskop
has domain
information processing task
has range
information processing task

initiated byop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


A plan P is initiated by a task T if any activity of the kind defined by P starts (temporally) with a sub-activity of kind T
has domain
knowledge processing plan
has range
information processing task

oop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


G is composed with F if G is applied to the result of the application of F i.e. G o F , or G( F ( x ) )

played byop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has super-properties
has domain
agentive role
has range

thenop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


General Axioms

General Subclass Definition back to ToC

commences withop some Associates identifiers (and or names) to the entity they denote, its location, or information about itc and ((thenop some parsing taskc) and (thenop some retrieve artifact from location taskc)) is subclass of

retrieve resource taskc

General Subclass Definition back to ToC

commences withop some Associates identifiers (and or names) to the entity they denote, its location, or information about itc and (thenop some retrieve artifact from location taskc) is subclass of

retrieve artifact taskc

General Subclass Definition back to ToC

commences withop some Associates identifiers (and or names) to the entity they denote, its location, or information about itc and (thenop some knowledge reasoning taskc and (thenop some retrieve resource description taskc)) is subclass of

discover compatible resources taskc

General Subclass Definition back to ToC

commences withop some Associates identifiers (and or names) to the entity they denote, its location, or information about itc and (thenop some knowledge reasoning taskc and (thenop some retrieve resource description taskc)) is subclass of

resolve dependencies taskc

General Subclass Definition back to ToC

commences withop some conceptualization taskc and (thenop some expression taskc) is subclass of

syntactic translation taskc

General Subclass Definition back to ToC

commences withop some knowledge resource construction taskc and (thenop some knowledge resource flattening taskc) is subclass of

fusion taskc

General Subclass Definition back to ToC

commences withop some knowledge resource deconstruction taskc and (thenop some knowledge resource disassembly taskc) is subclass of

separation taskc

General Subclass Definition back to ToC

commences withop some knowledge resource flattening taskc and (thenop some snapshot taskc) is subclass of

create working knowledge base taskc

General Subclass Definition back to ToC

commences withop some parsing taskc and (thenop some serialization taskc) is subclass of

syntactic transcription taskc

General Subclass Definition back to ToC

commences withop some I/O read taskc and (thenop some decoding taskc and (thenop some information processing task and (thenop some encoding taskc and (thenop some I/O write taskc)))) is subclass of

closed knowledge processing taskc

General Subclass Definition back to ToC

commences withop some syntactic parsing taskc and (thenop some syntactic analysis taskc) is subclass of

parsing taskc

General Subclass Definition back to ToC

has roleop some configuration parameterc is subclass of

information processing task

General Subclass Definition back to ToC

has roleop some explanationc is subclass of

information processing task

Namespace Declarations back to ToC

default namespace

This HTML document was obtained by processing the OWL ontology source code through LODE, Live OWL Documentation Environment, developed by Silvio Peroni.